May 19th, 2003

it is time for summer, so i am gone ... i did these two things over the weekend though... and there's other stuff to be added throughout the summer as well... but for now, enjoy...

Anime Central 2003 Pictures

Christopher Lawrence, Silver Party @ Visions, Spundae, Chicago

have a fun summer all

-- Dyre


May 13th, 2003

safety ? ... i think something is broken in my head...

-- Dyre


May 7th, 2003

i find life averting and inverting its emphasis throughout this week... stress continues to build on me, and unprovoked thoughts enter my mind that i hope will never be learned by the party responsible... though, as the semester comes to a close, many of these emotions have begun to close and also become accepted, and nutured...

a main focus of stress are my art history papers due on friday... i find it amazing that the knowledge i've gained from that class, i've completed learning on my own in the past week from the text required for the class, and a heavily-discounted book i purchased... all to do these research papers assigned a month and a half ago... this class is so unstructured but she teaches it like an artist... i can't stay made at something like that when i do the exact same thing... life is a learning experience...

i categorize myself as a Romantic Artist... an artist who create art for the purposes of induces emotions in the viewer... this is also very apparent in the entertainment medium that i like to watch... i stray away from those military shows because i don't care... its just facts that are boring... though i do consider myself an artist, i hardly practice an artform... i do know why that is, and i think others don't... doing any artwork requires a desire for it to become.. i cannot be forced to do anything artistic... it results in hatred and poor execution..

blah, blah, blah... i don't care anymore... back to art history writing...

-- Dyre


May 6th, 2003

the torment and my mind continues to build and build... so much weight pressures my continually weakend structure.. mental stress, emotional stress, and physical stress combine to pull my closer to the earth as the time comes closer and closer to an end...

such tempered times brew insanity within myself... voices continue their oppresion on my regular activities.. doubt... doubt... am i truly doing whats right for myself ??... am i truely walking through life as awake as i can be ??.. what can i do better.. what can i correct....

my time can only be so short....

-- Dyre


May 2nd, 2003

sigh.. a week ago, i didn't want school to end... i wasn't ready to leave this place.. but after this week and its events, that has turned completed over... i think i'm more than ready to go home now... just to avoid a number of responsibilities, and to rebuild some finances as they have been vastly depleted as a result of mis-judgement...

my head hurts... so many pounding thoughts against me... so many voices... so many... i can't listen to them all... i can't do everything... once this semester is over and done with, then i no longer need listen to them... i can't rest... rest and begin anew...

ugh.. the voices in my head... never stop... so much doubt..

-- Dyre


April 28th, 2003

i am begining to wonder just how susseptable i am to such mind torture when the hits continue to beat me... i starting to wonder why all of this really happened and is happending... what triggered it... and if it all is just some kind of temptation.. or lesson... or something stupid like that... if this is all just the prelude to life... or if this really is something i should stand by... i wonder what will become of the situation... if something extraordinary will happen, or if it'll just end like how everyone sees it... usually in real life when everything is against what you want to happen, it is only your will that sees it through... and when you constantly second guess your will, you've already lost... i shouldn't confuse second-guessing with patience though...

my thoughts always seem to return to the same scenario... one that doesn't make any difference at all, but interests me to no end... it may be a destructive thought, but i find interesting how everything fit together the way it is, when the whole situation is really unlikely to begin with... there must be something about this place that attracts this kind of attention..

beyond that which i do know, there is one other thing i am begining to wonder as well

later that night ) ugh... this post sounds kinda dumb for some reason... it just doesn't have that shpadonkle that brings out the interest... though pointed and vague, i doubt anyone has really read it... and beyond that, the intended readers, probably haven't either...

oh, if you were wondering, i didn't go to Chrome Hacker @ Inferno, Madison... why ?? .. the reason is because no one wanted to go w/ me to it... Jason "wasn't in the mood", which means "he doesn't want to be around me"... Five didn't want to go for some reason.. and Steve "slippy fist" Dahlstrom would rather have stayed home playing Shadowbane ignoring Jamie all night long, than come to a club... so, I didn't go because, in the end, i would have went for only myself, when they were other things of greater importance to attend to... the night actually ended up very nice, so i'm not really complaining... i'm just never going to ask anyone to go anywhere ever again because they never end up going even though the say they will....

and on a similar note, Five says the he wants to go this weekend to Armin Van Buuren @ Visions... if i end up returning all those video games i bought, i'll be in some good shape financially, and also Mitsuwa is down in Chicago, so i'll be able to pick up some Prizes for my Video Game Tournament that begins tomorrow... it seems very convient, and a good idea to go... though, the probability of ANYONE going with me is almost zero.... i'm not going alone... but, i need spamm prizes... maybe if i thought of the whole prizes thing when i was there a week and a half ago... it felt really weird that weekend though... even this coming weekend.. i think it may feel a little weird... i think thats just because my car feels like its on its last wheels, and it makes my nervous...

whatever... i'm sure all you people are really interested..... all 1 of you...

-- Dyre


April 26th, 2003

ya know.. for being such a creative field, music really robs my ability to think... the only real stuff i do while listening to music and still consider myself productive is either calculus, algebra, and coding... drawing ??... hell no, unless its coloring or something systematic.. what about writing then ?? ... absolutely not.. my mind is far too wrapped around the beats and bass to hear than my own thoughts.. listening to music, i mean REALLY listening to music, at the pharmacy isn't such a good idea either.. even though its a systematic process, its still important to pay attention... to what pills are going to kill which patient...

hey i've been up since 3am this morning listening to music and i think i've run out of things to do while waiting for my roommates to wake up so i can make some loud noises... and by loud noises i mean some Dance Dance Revolution Max 2 (japan), which i got in the mail no less than 24 hrs. ago... check this out ... yep, i did that this morning while listening to music, and being wide awake thanks to the after effects of sleeping while intoxicated... i must say.. i think intoxication speeds my sleeping process by more than 2 times, because i'm not tired at all, and i'm full of energy... energy that i want to use on DDRMax2... i should probably play in moderations though... my right ankle, the one i sprained/broke over a year ago and never got professionally fixed, is starting to become sore... whether or not that is because of some incorrect healing is not something i know...

back on the subject of DDRmax2 and music, in continuence with the 'odd sequel' theory, the music brought to me by this 7th Mix is superb... and the best part i've found it that, if you look at that song list, Paranoia Survivor, which is one of my favortie songs in DDRextreme, is in this game... loud ambient pulsing highs and electro... that song is damn nice... playing it is VERY energetic... i found that on my pads here, Standard difficulty is quite passable, so i've moved up to tackle this 10 footer... and hey, i can make it almost halfway.. ^_^ ... i always seem to fail right before the song gets harder... besides Paranoia Survivor, there are a number of other very ambient electro trance sounding songs, and also a number of fast beat catchy songs that are fun to play....

DDRmax2 will be getting in my way of normal schoolwork, like usual... i had planned on doing some stuff last night, but after playing DDR, the drinking and Soul Caliber II began, and then i fell asleep around 11pm or so... and 4 hrs. later ... hello... anywho, i've got some stuff do next week that i need to pay attention to :
- Operating Systems Lab 7, due Monday Noon
- Japanese Speech Script, due Monday 1pm
- SPAMM Finale Tournament, Tuesday 4:30pm
- SPAMM tshirt graphic, due Tuesday 4:30pm
- Disted Graduation Website, finished by Thursday
- Differential Equations Homework, due Friday 8am
- Art History 221 Midterm Paper, safedate Friday 9am
- Art History 221 Final Paper, safedate Friday 9am

yep.. and then there's all last tests the week after this, and the finals after that... stuff to do, stuff to do... i'm not really all that screwed though... i'm in good shape.. most of this stuff won't take any longer than the morning before its due ... ^_^... or Sunday Night... and if i start to obsessively worry about any of this... i've still got over half a bottle of vodka in the fridge for those thoughts...

tonight: Chrome Hacked @ Inferno, Madison... i don't really see anything preventing me going to this ... unless everyone i've asked to go changes there mind... its free, and i'll drive... what the hell excuses do you have ??..

next weekend: Armin van Buuren @ Visions, Spundae, Chicago... i REALLY doubt that you'll be seeing me here... the combination of tight money, loss of time, those art history papers, and DDR heavily balance the scale towards "NO"... crap, i still gotta buy SPAMM finale tournament prizes... hmm... mitsuwa's is down there... that tips the scales back to "HMMM... MAYBE".. hmm... i think finding another person to come with is still a must... this time i won't have a 'safe-haven' down there.. eh, not like i really did last time either...

-- Dyre


April 21st, 2003

anyways.. as i probably should have said in the previous post... i went to Chicago over the easter weekend for general purpose of just curing boredom... but for other reasons as well... one being Visions, Spundae.. which is damn neat place... if Sasha ever plays at Visions again, i've gotta go.. Visions is a very localized type of club where the dj is in plain view and very close to the general public unlike The Quest which is setup much more for a concert type atmosphere... at Visions, you can be almost right next to the dj..

Another major difference between The Quest and Visions, Spundae is the crowd... Visions feels like much more of a night club than The Quest...

upcoming events i want to write down to help me sort things out...
April 26th - Chrome Hacked @ Inferno, Madison
May 3rd - Armin Van Buuren @ Visions, Spundae, Chicago
May 10th - Yoshitoshi Tour @ The Quest, Minneapolis
May 16-18 - Anime Central, Chicago
May 17th - Silver Party, Christopher Lawrence @ Visions, Spundae, Chicago
May 23rd - Trancendence @ Inferno, Madison
May 31st - Tiesto @ House of Blues, Spundae, Chicago
June 7th - Dj Qbert @ The Quest, Minneapolis
June 14th - Tiesto or Deep Dish @ The Quest, Minneapolis
July 12th - Jimmy Van M, John Debo @ Visions, Spundae, Chicago

alright... and now lets think of this logically... Chrome Hacked, this weekend.. its free, its in madison and its somewhere i haven't been before... i'm going ... Armin Van Buuren in two weeks, in chicago which means $20 cover + $6 parking + $4 tolls + $25+ in gas and 300 total miles of driving.... worth it ?... ok how about this.. i'll go if i complete both my art history papers before then.. ^_^ ... Yoshitoshi Tour back in Minneapolis the week after.. too far away... Anime Central in a month.. definately going, and the Silver Party the same week, definately going... Trancendence the first weekend after school in madison... hmm... its free cover.. but it'll be about 600 miles of driving which is $40+ in gas money.. parking would maybe be $3 at the most... i guess i'll sway my opinion on how Inferno is after this weekend... Tiesto at House of Blues.. well if i go to Trancendence i'm not going to this... and vice versa... again: probably $40+ cover, well over $40+ in gas, $6 parking.. i'm going to stop there... far too expensive.. ESPECIALLY if Tiesto is showing up at the quest... Dj Qbert at the Quest.. $15 cover ? .. meh.. it'll be like last time... if i'm in the mood or not... he's a cool guy though... Tiesto or Deep Dish @ The Quest, June 14th ? ... you fucking bet i'll be there... Jimmy Van M, John Debo at Visions... once again.. lemme think this through... $40+ cover, $40+ gas, $6 parking... ok.. i've thought it through... i've just gotta remember no Visions during summer.. and even during School its still rough on the wallet...

alright.. lemme sort this out again, by making some alterations further up.. there's still plenty of shit to go around... even if i skip out on at least 3 of 'em due to reality... some of these are still kinda of nuts if i go to 'em ... like Trancendence and Armin Van Buuren... i probably won't go to Armin Van Buuren ... unless i get 2 people to come with, i inherit enough money, and i have my schoolwork 2'ed away... Trancendence would be a drive.. but all my wisconsin pals could easily attend this, and it will be a good show... unless that club is really terrible... and then also Qbert i probably won't go to because i don't really care that much... that is very novelty... so if i eliminate those.. i only have 3 real events planned for the next 2-3 months... there's still July and August though... and then i've gotta take my little sister to one of these... hey, maybe i'll take her to Madison when i go .. ha ha ha ... crap, actually i can't .. thats 21+ ^_^ ... i guess her big introduction will have to be Holy Shit day, June 14th... i still wanna go to the House of Blues sometime... oh well ... i've still got school for the next 3 years... there's plenty of time... just low webspace to put it all on....

yah! lists are fun ... here's another one detailing stuff i need to do in the next 4 weeks for school...
Art History Paper Midterm
Art History Paper Final
Distance Education Graduation Website
Japanese Presentation Speach write-up
1 Japanese Written Test, 1 Japanese Oral Test, 1 Differential Equations Test, 1 Macro-Economics Test, 1 Operating Systems Written Test
Operating Systems Lab 7
Operating Systems Lab 8 (probably)
SPAMM Finale Tournament (game line-up, prize hunt)
SPAMM publicity stuff

i think thats about it... thank god i don't have a real programming class this semester or else i'd really be stressed out... i should just go out and do those fucking papers tomorrow.. that would lighten the load ALOT... the graduation website is progressing normally... the speech hasn't ever been assigned yet so i don't care... all those tests will happen whenever... Labs will figure themselves out... the video game tournament i'll probably think through tomorrow after i finish all the work i probably won't have... finding cheap prizes won't be easy... SPAMM publicity can wait....

ahh... i love thinking in text... it always seems like theres something to it... of course the overall 'problem' is still up the air...

-- Dyre


April 20th, 2003

recurrence... every week the same feelings return.. fade.... reverse... and then return... i am constantly hating myself.. then forgetting about it... and as the feelings fade furthest... they are returned by the absense and impossibility of her... it persists... even finding someone who lets me in.. i am still an outsider... and it feels like it'll always be that way... the last resort... a left-over...

and as i try to keep it out of my mind... other thoughts fog my actions and limit myself because of how it sounds... thats how it is... i suppose i shouldn't care how it is and just submit to the idioticy i've been bred...

and the words of gelicia also haunt me as well... as she yelled at me the other week for being a hypocrit... she says i have no right to accuse her of self-destruction when week after week i seem to do this to myself...

this whole situation doesn't seem to be working anymore...

i did this over the weekend...

-- Dyre

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