
Majora's Mask sends very Racial messages to children and teachs them that racial methods ... In Majora's mask there are basically 4 major races.. Humans, Deku, Goron, and Zora..

In the begining of this game.. Link is minding his own business when a lonely imp decides to mess with his life.. he knocks link off his horse.. steals his things and rides off with epona.. Link follows the imp to retain his belongings but the imp simply transforms him into the lowest lifefrom in termina .. a dekunut

The Humans are the most racist out of the whole bunch.. They populate the main portion of Termina.. Locating themselves directly in the center.. proving to the other races that they are superior.. Each entrance to the city has a guard that doesn't allow exit .. A dekunut is quickly thrown away from the entrance.. being a dekunut in clock town is hard.. children even hate you.. they call you 'deku scrub' and throw things at you.. Even the dogs bite you and take attempts at your life..

After 3 days of torture and redicule living as a dekunut, link can finally confront the imp again.. his pride is shot.. as link climbs to the top of the clock tower.. only to find that he can't even harm the imp.. link has his trusty ocarina to warp back in time though.. back to the begining of the 3 days of hell.. 3 days was long enough for Link to live as a dekunut though.. the mask dealer promised to return link back to a human after finding something he had owned before..

As a human.. the people of Clock Town are very nice.. they say 'please' and 'excuse me' when you talk to them.. The guards are overly nice as well.. Their care are for your safety only for the fields of Termina are badly infested with monsters.. Link easily prosueds the guard to let him pass with one glance of his sword.. The guards seem to be much more kinder now that Link is one of them.. and not a dekunut..

The Dekunuts would be the second most racist bunch.. The dekunut surround their village in a poisionous swamp.. no other race could get to their village without being severely injured.. a dekunut has no problem getting into the village.. but the Deku village makes it difficult for dekunuts as well.. seeing how the other races can't get close without swimming.. the deku nut can hop across the lily pads.. The Deku village then posts a gigantic deku eating octopus to guard the entrance..

Humans are always good at finding ways to kill rare species of animals.. so Link borrows a boat from the local witch and easily glides across the poisonous swamp and inpales this octopus.. Link now has easy access to the entrance to the deku village.. but Link as a human asks for entrance .. the dekunuts simply through him out of the village.. luckily Link, the master of races, can put on his deku mask and infiltrate the village..

Even inside the village as a human or a deku nut.. Link is quickly thrown out when spotted by another deku.. The King shows no mercy to other animals.. he keeps a monkey tied up in his thrown room for his own amusement.. Link avoids and evades all the dekunuts of the village so that he can speak with this monkey.. The monkey tells him of the horrors the deku king had bestowed upon him.. how is tortured ever night..

welp.. Link gets a song from him then goes into the temple where he kills plenty of swamp festering plantlife and animals.. and then kills the rarest of all species in the swamp.. and for a trophey takes his head.. after doing this the swamp is no longer poisonous... killing who knows how many more species of life that needed that poison to live...

After the Human, Link, destroys this area of Termina.. he goes up North to destroy the next set of life..

The Gorons tend to stay away from the Humans.. they wish nothing to do with them.. they participate in sporting events that any other race could never be qualified to enter.. and have an entrance to their village only a goron could enter..

A human cannot compare to the strength of a goron.. nor the speed of a goron either.. but gorons come in many shapes and sizes.. Goron's aren't the racist type.. they are friendly to everyone that comes by.. the gorons would merely destroy the mechanical bull responsible for the blizzard themselves.. but why do the extra work they say.. lets have an inferior human take care of it for us..

Luckily Link steals the soul of a dead goron so that he is able to have the strength needed to defeat this bull.. and then after destroying this entertaining bull.. Link keeps the head for himself.. Gorons do learn a valuable lesson about humans.. but their tiny brains quickly forget it..

Next is the 4th major race is Termina.. the Zora.. The Zora are a devine race.. but this is how far i've gotten in the game so far..

Each race is very segragated to specific regions of termina.. the humans in the center, the dekunuts in the south, the goron in the north, and the Zora to the west.. these locations Nintendo has chosen to put each race can be used loosely apllied to how the different races of earth are placed..

The Humans represent the United States.. the arrogant people who think they are the best.. who mock other races and hate them.. to the south we have mexico.. which is the representation of Latinos in Majora's mask..

oh well.. doesn't mean its not fun to pla

- Dyre - 9.25.00



The Legend of Zelda
Majora's Mask

Nintendo 64

October 13th, 2000

American Release

Shiguero Miyamoto




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