have you ever seen Williams
on the tonight show ??... he is nothing but jokes and attention
and everything comedian ... seeing how he acts in such a
serious role must be quite a feat for him to pull off...
his role in Insomnia made me wonder how well his acting
was .. because it seemed like he didn't pull off his role
that seriously, just because of his nature any slight comedic
act by his character would show up as a slip of acting ...
One Hour Photo is a completely
different role .... Robin Williams definetly challenged
himself and succeeded in my opinion ... the main character,
Sly Parish, a 40 something year old lonely man .... his
life is photographs... he thinks in photography... his job
is at the one hour photo in the local savmart for the past
11 years... his deep seeded past is never explained nor
touched ....
but during his 11 years
at savmart he has developed a taste for no explained reason
with Nina Yorkin... he has followed the life of her and
her husband, along with their child through all the pictures
they've developed over the years... he obsesses over their
life.. he wishes he was part of their family ... his eye's
light up when Nina drops off another batch of photo's for
him to see... and he makes an extra set for himself... Sly
see's and creates his life around the people and things
he see's in the photo he publishes...
the movie sets an atmosphere
that relates much to normal life ...the department store
Savmart is nothing more than a sterle walmart... although
the director most likely did this intentionally... Sly works
in a carbon cut manufactored shopping warehouse where drones
enter with shopping needs, and exit satisfied... savmart
is not reality ... everything has its own specific row..
nothing is out of place... everything is as it should be...
in reality a department store has things on the floor...
nothing is shelved orderly.. and you have complexity of
detail .... savmart is as fake as the made-up name suggests...
continuing with the 'normal
life' atmosphere.. there are a number of popular items used
in the background... at home after a day of work Sly watches
an episode of the Simpsons, that the director was trying
to use for some metaphor i guess... it did not fit at all...
little Jake Yorkin finds an Evangelion figure at Savmart
that he wants his father to buy for him ... in one of Sly's
fantasies Jake has a Gundam Model that he asks for help
in building .... they have these coined brand name items
in the movie ... yet they don't have a label for the kind
of film they use... or a kind of camera... but does the
budget have to effect the quality of the movie ?? ... no
it doesn't really effect it at all ... it just bothers me
a little how their prop budget was so loosely dispersed...
the overall story of the
movie isn't too hard to figure out except for the questions
they delibertly don't answer... like Sly's childhoood and
past before Savmart... or how he met the Yorkin's to begin
with ... director Mark Romanek should have expanded on this,
yet he left it wide open for speculation ....
overal this movie is interesting
but very unfinished... so much was not done in the movie
that could have added so much to it .... it seems alot like
the director was trying to do something but it just came
out wrong ... oh well, great effort, man... i'll be sure
to catch your next film to see how you're coming along ...
- Dyre - 10.24.02