"Deep into that darkness
peering, long I stood there wondering, fearing, doubting...
dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream to dream before...
but the silence was unbroken, and the darkness gave no token..."
--Edgar Allen Poe, The Raven, 1845
the deepest reaches of their
sanities explored, and the farthest reached of their creativity
tapped.. Eternal Darkness embodies all the features that
make it a solid game, and even just a little more..
the initial response that
so many ignorant gamers declare when the first view this
title, is "oh, its just another Resident Evil game..
i think i'll pass.".. This game offers much more than
any Resident Evil game to this day... it matches or outdoes
all the aspects of that game, and has more addition features
that make this game truly unique...
The Story of the game has
quite a timeline.. one that you go back and forth along
quite often, yet never really go anywhere.. The main source
for the story is offered in The Tomb of Eternal Darkness..
a book that all the playable characters get their hands
and add to the story... The main character is young woman,
Alex Riovas... whose discovery of The Tomb has set the final
chapter upon herself... you have her go around her newly
inherited anicestor's manshion recompiling the tore apart
book, and with each page you find and read, the game goes
to the past when it was writen and added to The Tomb...
Eternal Darkness has an
incredible sense of Legacy... such a long story to tell,
the actions of very important people in the past and how
they reflect on the present day, when Alex needs them the
most... great idea..
the core of the gameplay
is a little static, you're seemingly usual walk/run method
of movement.. you have your other trigger button to help
you aim your weapon at an enemy.. you can change from aiming
at their torso to their head, and then lob it off... you
can also target their arms, and lob those off.. so you have
a zombie stumbling after you with no arms... heh.. its pretty
amusing what you can do...
You main sense of health,
and magic are provided by the Red and Blue vials in your
status screen.. but their is a third Green vial.. that is
your sanity level, which is the most ingenius aspect of
the gameplay... as your Sanity dwindles, things begin to
sometimes freaky things
like the background noise turns askew.. you now here rampent
mumblings of madness, babies sounding like their being tortured,
as you approach a door to open it, someone will loudly knock
on it, and an eerie ambient sound of a gothic feel... some
statues will turn to look at you..
sometimes physical things
will happen.. like your character being too nerve wrecked
that the trigger on your gun is pulled for no reason, the
area will change without warning.. you'll come into an area
litered with ammunition, only to realize after picking them
up, that they never really were there.. you'll come into
an area and suddenly your head will just fall off.. if you
move your headless character next to you head, you can pick
it up and put it in your inventory.. another time, you'll
come into an area and as you progress you'll gradually grow
larger and larger, or you'll shrink smaller and smaller...
sometimes you'll sink into the floor... other times you'll
just explode for no reason...
sometimes ridiculous things
will happen.... like you'll finish up a chapter in the book,
when a graphic screen will be displaying, "To be Continued...."..
urging you to buy the sequel to the game.. sometimes you'll
just be walking along, and the infamous Microsoft Blue will
simply pop up... other times you'll walk into a room filled
with zombie tearing you apart, you try to move or attack,
but the gamecube controller graphic will be displayed telling
you that the controller has been removed... alot of these
type of tricks being played on you, you may reminded of
fighting Psycho Mantis in Metal Gear Solid.. but Eternal
Darkness' tricks go much further than simply trickery...
all these tricks make the
game worth exploring with a completely empty sanity meter..
so much fun... the more large part of the gameplay is also
determined by these 3 meters.. for in the begining, the
first chapter of The Tomb desides your main weekness...
all 3 aspects, Red: Health, Blue: Magic, and Green: Sanity,
have their god in this game... The first chapter you play
Pious, a roman soldier, who has been lured and called into
a god's temple...As Pious you choose your poison... and
from then on, that god is your enemy...
throughout the game, all
the scenes and temples will change accordingly making each
of the 3 times through the game different... Items will
have their meaning changes to suit, and the order of spelltypes
has also changed... each of the 3 gods has another one of
the 3 gods that it is week against, and vice versa.. Chattur'gha
is Red and powerful against Green.. Xel'lotath is Green
and powerful against Blue, Ulyaoth.. who is powerful against
Chattur'gha... there is a 4th god, Mantorok, Purple, who
is powerful against all other gods... although you can't
choose Mantorok as your enemy, in the end you'll find his
true purpose in the story..
The magic system in Eternal
Darkness is quite unique as far as i know.... you learn
spells, but thats later.. you must create magic spells using
Runes which act as the ingredients... you usually find Runes
guarded by monsters, and then also need to find a codec
to decode the rune for use.. all these Runes and spells
are written into the Tomb, and once learned by one character,
all other characters have the knowledge... spells are created
using a template of 3, 5, or 7 rune spells.. from there
you choose you spelltype rune, which is color of the spell...
and from their you combine 2 runes to make your spell..
higher level spells simply take the Pargon rune to make
the spell more powerful...
you learn a number of spells,
and only 1 out of 12 spells is an attack spell.. all other
spells either aid you or complement you... when casting
a spell during gameplay, you must stand still until the
spell is completely cast, or else you're shatter your concentration
and the spell fails... when you cast a spell, the runes
appear on the ground near you in a circle, and the voice
of the god your spell indentifies, resights each rune of
the spell.. very eerie voices... higher level spells take
longer to completely cast, but are much more powerful...
there are few negative things
i can say about this game that aren't immediately canceled
out by the overwhelming positives... this game is short...
there are few hidden secrets... and some parts are tedious...
i beat the game in 9hrs.. and that was after watching two
of my roommates go through it the first 2 times.. there
are 2 hidden items in the game, and after obtaining them,
the game is a cakewalk.. the whole scenario of setting up
the final 9 circle spell, is just going back and forth between
spots on the map... but so what... 9hrs is about the standard
for 3d adventure games these days, you can have higher difficulty
later on, and the tedious parts don't really last that long...
so there
The combination of the sanity
effects, legacy of story, and intrecate meaning of spells
and items make this game truly unique among others of its
genre.. although its home is on a Nintendo system, its a
very adult oriented game... alot of thought went into how
the game would be layed out and it shows... unfortunatly
because of its general game genre, it will be lost in time
shortly, so don't wait to play it... Story intensive Adventure
game are rarely timeless nor admired...
- Dyre - 9.28.02